Stanza | Haiku (terse) | Line |
| Snatch | |
8,301 | misappropriate | criminal conversation | eliminating |
| 24,901 |
| Sneaked | |
8,302 | inconspicuous | unsophisticatedly | unpretentiously |
| 24,904 |
| Sneakily | |
8,303 | insidiously | Machiavellianly | underhandedly |
| 24,907 |
| Snob | |
8,304 | supercilious | disagreeable person | egotistical |
| 24,910 |
| Snobberies | |
8,305 | vilification | consequentialities | unctuosities |
| 24,913 |
| Snobbery | |
8,306 | vilification | consequentiality | valuableness |
| 24,916 |
| Snobbishly | |
8,307 | luxuriously | aristocratically | ostentatiously |
| 24,919 |
| Snooper | |
8,308 | investigator | valetudinarian | concatenator |
| 24,922 |
| Snot | |
8,309 | emaciated | disagreeable person | expectoration |
| 24,925 |
| Snottily | |
8,310 | presumptuously | antipathetically | abominably |
| 24,928 |
| Snow | |
8,311 | precipitation | incorruptibility | hydrometeor |
| 24,931 |
| Snows | |
8,312 | precipitations | incorruptibilities | overbalances |
| 24,934 |
| Snowy | |
8,313 | unmistakable | incorruptibility | understandable |
| 24,937 |
| Snuffer | |
8,314 | evaporator | California poppy | annihilator |
| 24,940 |
| Snug | |
8,315 | subterranean | enthusiastically | satisfactory |
| 24,943 |
| Snugly | |
8,316 | commodiously | conciliatorily | appropriately |
| 24,946 |
| Sob | |
8,317 | sentimentalist | disagreeable person | lachrymatory |
| 24,949 |
| Sober | |
8,318 | imperturbable | unsophisticatedly | unemotional |
| 24,952 |
| Sociable | |
8,319 | conversational | companionability | accommodating |
| 24,955 |
| Sociably | |
8,320 | gregariously | conciliatorily | companionably |
| 24,958 |
| Social | |
8,321 | companionable | undenominational | conversational |
| 24,961 |
| Sociality | |
8,322 | gregariousness | companionability | joviality |
| 24,964 |
| Socialization | |
8,323 | remediation | municipalization | regeneration |
| 24,967 |
| Socialized | |
8,324 | associated | intercommunicated | communicated |
| 24,970 |
| Socializing | |
8,325 | nationalizing | intercommunicating | associating |
| 24,973 |
| Socially | |
8,326 | gregariously | ecclesiastically | companionably |
| 24,976 |
| Societies | |
8,327 | associations | intercommunications | organizations |
| 24,979 |
| Society | |
8,328 | association | intercommunication | organization |
| 24,982 |
| Socket | |
8,329 | accommodation | cavity resonator | utility room |
| 24,985 |
| Sod | |
8,330 | homosexual | valetudinarian | individual |
| 24,988 |
| Sodomy | |
8,331 | bestiality | homosexuality | Zoophilia |
| 24,991 |
| Sods | |
8,332 | individuals | homosexualities | traditionalists |
| 24,994 |
| Soft | |
8,333 | amenableness | valetudinarian | lackadaisical |
| 24,997 |
| Softly | |
8,334 | elastically | conciliatorily | affectionately |
| 25,000 |
| Soggy | |
8,335 | ungenerously | impenetrability | lackadaisical |
| 25,003 |
| Sojourn | |
8,336 | inhabitancy | imperishability | continuity |
| 25,006 |
| Sojourned | |
8,337 | perpetuity | imperishability | inhabitation |
| 25,009 |
| Sojourning | |
8,338 | perpetuity | imperishability | inhabitation |
| 25,012 |
| Sojourns | |
8,339 | inhabitancies | imperishability | perpetuity |
| 25,015 |
| Soldering | |
8,340 | associating | reconcilability | inosculating |
| 25,018 |
| Soldiers | |
8,341 | proletarians | Territorial Army | ornithologists |
| 25,021 |
| Solecism | |
8,342 | inaccuracy | irreconcilableness | impropriety |
| 25,024 |
| Solemnities | |
8,343 | glorification | inviolabilities | ceremonials |
| 25,027 |
| Solemnity | |
8,344 | ceremonial | inviolability | consideration |
| 25,030 |
| Solemnly | |
8,345 | majestically | uncommunicatively | consequentially |
| 25,033 |
| Solicitor | |
8,346 | notary public | prosecuting attorney | alligator pear |
| 25,036 |
| Solicitously | |
8,347 | apprehensively | enthusiastically | considerately |
| 25,039 |
| Solid | |
8,348 | considerable | enthusiastically | unhesitating |
| 25,042 |
| Solidification | |
8,349 | coagulation | superconductivity | refrigeration |
| 25,045 |
| Solidities | |
8,350 | durabilities | invariabilities | determinations |
| 25,048 |
| Solidity | |
8,351 | durability | impermeability | authenticity |
| 25,051 |
| Solidly | |
8,352 | unanimously | unsympathetically | imperviously |
| 25,054 |
| Solidness | |
8,353 | coagulation | invariability | determination |
| 25,057 |
| Solids | |
8,354 | comprehensives | enthusiasticallies | definitives |
| 25,060 |
| Solitarily | |
8,355 | authentically | unsophisticatedly | ascetically |
| 25,063 |
| Solitary | |
8,356 | unaccompanied | individualistic | understandable |
| 25,066 |
| Solitude | |
8,357 | encapsulation | sensory deprivation | insularity |
| 25,069 |
| Solution | |
8,358 | determination | spirits of ammonia | resolving power |
| 25,072 |
| Solutions | |
8,359 | determinations | intelligibilities | decompositions |
| 25,075 |
| Solvency | |
8,360 | capability | economic condition | viability |
| 25,078 |
| Soma | |
8,361 | corporeity | general anatomy | configuration |
| 25,081 |
| Somatically | |
8,362 | corporeally | physiologically | asexually |
| 25,084 |
| Somebody | |
8,363 | a certain person | individuality | Body corporate |
| 25,087 |
| Someone | |
8,364 | personality | individuality | unidentified |
| 25,090 |
| Sometimes | |
8,365 | occasionally | circumstantiality | every now and then |
| 25,093 |
| Sophisticated | |
8,366 | adulterated | nonrepresentational | regenerated |
| 25,096 |
| Sophistication | |
8,367 | adulteration | artificiality | falsification |
| 25,099 |
| Sophistications | |
8,368 | falsifications | artificialities | experiences |
| 25,102 |
| Soporific | |
8,369 | stupefacient | anesthesiologist | uninteresting |
| 25,105 |
| Sordidly | |
8,370 | abominably | antipathetically | avariciously |
| 25,108 |
| Sordidness | |
8,371 | despicableness | utilitarianism | contamination |
| 25,111 |
| Sore | |
8,372 | appreciable | valetudinarian | excruciating |
| 25,114 |
| Sorely | |
8,373 | cholerically | enthusiastically | appreciably |
| 25,117 |
| Sorrowfully | |
8,374 | lugubriously | apologetically | funereally |
| 25,120 |
| Sorry | |
8,375 | unreliable | apologetically | infelicitous |
| 25,123 |
| Sorted | |
8,376 | classification | intercommunicated | associated |
| 25,126 |
| Sorting | |
8,377 | classification | compartmentalization | categorizing |
| 25,129 |
| Soul | |
8,378 | personality | individuality | impersonation |
| 25,132 |
| Soulfully | |
8,379 | emotionally | aristocratically | romantically |
| 25,135 |
| Soullessly | |
8,380 | inanimately | unsympathetically | unmercifully |
| 25,138 |
| Souls | |
8,381 | personalities | individualities | characteristics |
| 25,141 |
| Sound | |
8,382 | indissoluble | give the impression that | authoritative |
| 25,144 |
| Soundlessly | |
8,383 | pacifically | uncommunicatively | impenetrably |
| 25,147 |
| Soundly | |
8,384 | salubriously | monotheistically | legitimately |
| 25,150 |
| Soundness | |
8,385 | durability | circumstantiality | reasonableness |
| 25,153 |
| Sounds | |
8,386 | significances | enthusiasticallies | operatives |
| 25,156 |
| Sourly | |
8,387 | cantankerously | unceremoniously | splenetically |
| 25,159 |
| South | |
8,388 | meridional | geographical region | confederation |
| 25,162 |
| Sovereign | |
8,389 | proprietary | plenipotentiary | magisterial |
| 25,165 |
| Sovereigns | |
8,390 | superlatives | plenipotentiaries | proprietaries |
| 25,168 |
| Sovereignties | |
8,391 | imperiousness | totalitarianisms | independencies |
| 25,171 |
| Sovereignty | |
8,392 | imperiousness | totalitarianism | independency |
| 25,174 |
| Space | |
8,393 | accommodation | intelligibility | recuperation |
| 25,177 |
| Spaceman | |
8,394 | traditionalist | valetudinarian | resurrectionist |
| 25,180 |
| Spaces | |
8,395 | accommodations | intelligibilities | orientations |
| 25,183 |
| Spacing | |
8,396 | recuperation | solitary confinement | dissociation |
| 25,186 |
| Spacious | |
8,397 | considerable | latitudinarian | miscellaneous |
| 25,189 |
| Spaciously | |
8,398 | commodiously | extemporaneously | considerably |
| 25,192 |
| Spaciousness | |
8,399 | commodiousness | circumstantiality | capacitances |
| 25,195 |
| Span | |
8,400 | volatility | visible radiation | continuation |
| 25,198 |